
\Thes"pi*an\, a. [From L. Thespis, Gr. ?, the founder of the Greek drama.] Of or pertaining to Thespis; hence, relating to the drama; dramatic; as, the Thespian art. -- n. An actor.

The International Thespian Society is an invitation-only group of students honored for their excellence in theater arts. The ETHS Thespian Troupe is a club for students who enjoy being very involved in any or all aspects of theater. The society recognizes the dedication of theater participants by extending membership through a point system based on hours worked in any given theatrical production. Fifteen points earn you membership, and once you are in the club, it is expected that you will maintain a high level of participation.


A high school Thespian member receives:

  • One-year subscription to Dramatics magazine
  • Induction into the thespian society at the drama banquet
  • Membership card and silver insignia pin
  • Honor certificate for 20+ points received
  • Members may "letter" in Drama at 40+ points
  • Medallian will be awarded at 80+ points
  • Honor Cord to be worn at graduation
  • Wonderful addition to a resume and/or portfolio
  • Thespian membership shown on diploma
  • Thespians are eligible for scholarships on the state and international levels

How do you become a Thespian?

A student must earn 15 points over their four years in high school to become a thespian. Whether you are in a one-act or full length play, you earn points for the following roles:

  • Acting - Major role, minor role, walk-on, chorus, dancer, understudy
  • Production - Stage manager, stage tech, lighting technician, lighting tech, set designer, set construction crew, costume crew, sound technician, sound tech, video tech, make-up manager, rehearsal prompter, pianist, musicians
  • Business -Business crew, publicity crew, ticket crew, ushers, program tech
  • Directing - Director, assistant director, vocal director, choreographer, assistant choreographer
  • Miscellaneous - Duet acting scenes, oral interpretation, attending a performance or festival