Mr. Blackley


This class will explore all aspects of theatre.  You will get daily points for participation. EVERYONE MUST ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE TO EARN THE CREDITS IN THIS CLASS!!!


  • Develop your acting skills through Pantomime, improv games, radio theatre, and reader's theatre
  • Learn technical application
  • Memorize monologues and scenes


  1. See one play/musical per semester and write a review. Use cover sheet
  2. Participation in classwork/homework
  3. Midterm
  4. Final


  • NO gum, food, make-up or drinks are allowed in class or the theater.
  • NO GOING  into the Theatre without permission. This will count against your grade. (10 points each time)
  • I adhere to a strict tardy policy.  Please review the school’s policy.


  • Presentations / Performances: 60%
  • Homework / Live Performace Review: 20%
  • Midterm / Final: 20%

I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK. If you have an excused absence, I will take the work the day you return!


Extra theatre reviews of productions are the only extra credit that I accept.  A maximum of four extra credit reviews may be turned in.

LIVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW - Be sure to Use the Live Performance Cover Sheet on all reviews

  1. A summary of the play.  What is the play about? Where does the play take place?  Who are the main characters?
  2. What conventions of the theatre are used? Ex. Curtains, spotlights, costumes, breaking the fourth wall, etc.
  3. What technical aspects enhance or take away from the performance?  Are there any special effects used?
  4. Which character did you like the best? Why? What was it about the actor’s performance that you liked/disliked? Did they create a believable character? How?
  5. Overall rating of the play. Make sure you include a scale of good to poor.

Each one of these points should be about 6-8 sentences in length.  If there are other elements you want to discuss in the play, feel free to add them.  Your ticket stub and program must be with the review in order to get credit.


When picking a scene, these rules must be followed:

  • The instructor must approve ALL scenes.
  • NO swearing, smoking, or sexual innuendo or situations.
  • NO movie or television scripts.