Mr. Blackley


This class will focus on the aspects of American and World Theatre.


  • Please help make sure that there is no gum, food, make-up or drinks in the auditorium or classroom.
  • Attendance- you must be here everyday. Roles are subject to recasting if you are absent.
  • Late work- you need to turn in a hard copy to me on the day it is due.  I will not accept emailed papers.
  • Tardiness- Class begins when the bell rings.  You need to be in your seat when the bell rings. Be ready to work.
  • During class, you cannot do Homework from other classes.  If you don’t have anything to do, ask me and I will find something.  You will be docked points for doing homework in class.


  1. Participate in all classwork and class projects.
  2. Participate in class show (October)
  3. Tech TA2's show (January). You will be able to use this show for one of your play reviews.
  4. Tech 15 hours per semester. (Tues/Weds 3-5pm)
  5. Three Play/Musical reviews per semester using cover sheet.


Please keep at home in a three ring binder.  I will be checking this twice a semester.

  • Resume and Photo
  • Notes from class
  • 3 reviews
  • Movie list
  • Script of play


  • Presentations / Performances: 30%
  • Participation / Portfolio: 30%
  • Homework / Play Reviews: 20%
  • Midterm / Final: 20%